Random Musing No. 1

August 4, 2018

The human eye has a range of 120°, mostly peripheral vision, compared to the camera’s typical 200° or more. That is why the figures sometimes seem distorted at the edges of a photograph. We make up for this seeming deficit by moving our focus (in movements called “saccades”) around a scene to build up a gestalt awareness of its appearance.
A painting, curated by human intelligence, is superior in every respect to a photograph, except for how long it takes to make it. If cameras took three hours to create the exact same image as they do now in a split second, there would be no question as to which medium people would choose when they needed an image recorded.

Coupla New Watercolors

October 25, 2017

Painted and sold all within three days. Thanks to my very good friend Caterina.


October 17, 2017


Oil on canvas

That is, I believe, a viceroy butterfly, not a monarch. Smaller, and monarchs only eat milkweed.